How do you see the world while keeping your job? By keeping your job while seeing the world.

As long as I can remember, I’ve worked and traveled. I never did one without the other. At one point, I traveled while working and studying. During my travels, I always heard stories of people who had quit their job to see the world. A few of them had left corporate America to pursue traveling full-time. Others had worked a job they partially liked, saved up and then quit to travel full-time.

I on the other, the further I dug into my career the more I wanted to push through. Same with traveling; the more I traveled, the more I wanted to keep doing it. So what was the middle ground? Do both! I thoroughly enjoy the challenges of learning each and every day in the work space. I also love packing for a weekend escapade. What is the idea that I’m emphasizing with Journeys With Kris? You can do both and not feel guilty about it!

I maximize weekends, holidays, 4 days weekends, paid time off and business travels to check places off my bucket list. Read here.


Ask yourself why.

Author and speaker Simon Sinek says; ‘Always start with finding out the WHY.’ Why do you want to do what you want to do? Why do you want to start a travel brand? As for me, I want to encourage people to travel more whilst keeping their jobs.

Research and learn about your niche.

A lot of people travel, but everyone does it for different reasons. Influencers reach different audiences because they’ve figured out what their niche market is and what problem they’re trying to solve. If you don’t answer those preliminary questions, you might get lost in the sauce. My platform is targeted towards working professionals and solo women travelers.

Start sharing your passion on your social platforms.

Don’t wait till you’re ready to launch your brand to inform your community of your interest. Start planting seeds early, so that you can grow a community of avid lovers. Don’t take people by surprise but instead, prepare the way.

Pin ideas to an inspiration board.

Listen, there’s nothing you’re trying to do that hasn’t been done before. Draw inspiration from those that have gone before you and make it your own. Have you heard the saying; ‘Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery?’ Get started on that inspiration board today. Check out my inspiration board on Pinterest here.

Develop a strategy and give yourself deadlines.

This is my favorite one; put together a to-do list and work retroactively. What I mean is decide when your launch date will be and work towards that. Sometimes it helps to see the end goal. It will motivate you, as you continuously check items off your list.



I wish I could lie to you and tell you that it’s an easy process. It really isn’t. Don’t give up! If you are passionate about traveling, keep at it. Share your passion with the world. Don’t quit your job until you know for a fact, you can make a good living as a Travel Blogger. I created Journeys With Kris to help you along this journey. I hope I am getting through to you. Feel free to reach out if you have an questions.

XX, Kris