Journeyswithkris: Free Travel Guides

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When I planned my first solo trip, there were so many details I had to account for or the entire experience would be ruined. I still forgot a few details because no matter how much you plan; you can’t plan for the unexpected. Things turned out unexpectedly and I still had the best time of my life. Regardless, there’s so much that I wished I had known before embarking on the solo journey that would forever change the trajectory of my travel experience.   

I’m writing this for the woman who has yet to take her first solo trip. She’s been thinking about it for a while and can’t stop feeling the fear. Better yet, she has never considered traveling solo but is open to the idea. This blog post is essentially everything you need to know and consider before taking the plunge. 


  1. Travel with a group of friends and reserve a day for a solo adventure. Solo travels can be scary but this is a great way to test it out. While you are traveling with friends, schedule a day where you can adventure off on your own. The thought of your friends there to rescue you if you need help will give you peace of mind. This is a great way to figure out if you are ready to travel five days or more on your own.

  2. Travel to a domestic location. I emphasize this point because the fear of traveling is real. At least domestically, you can easily reach your loved ones. This will give you a lot more peace as you navigate all these emotions that come up from being alone throughout your trip. If you love traveling solo domestically, you’ll do just fine internationally where phone services are limited.

  3. Research the location thoroughly before locking in on the destination. You have to consider everything and more. The language barrier is a real struggle; so take into consideration how you will navigate in that country without speaking the language. For example, you are traveling to Thailand; you need to know the approximate amount of time it will take you from the airport to your hotel. This way, if it’s taking too long in the taxi, you are on high alert. Also, what trains or buses can take you to your destination and back. Print those out ahead of time and outline every single detail. I usually just create a spreadsheet on ‘where what, when, and why’ regarding every second of the day.


  1. Don't get drunk. I would strongly advise against getting wasted if you’re traveling alone. Don’t leave your drink unattended. This could quickly turn into a horror abduction story, and possibly worse. When you are traveling for the first time, skip the nightlife. I wish someone had told me this. I lost my cellphone twice during my first trip because I was pissed drunk. I don’t want bad things to happen to you, not that they will. Better safe than sorry though.

  2. Wear a fake wedding band. I traveled with a fake wedding band on my last solo trip to Egypt. It saved me a lot of trouble. Perpetrators will get the sense that you are taken, and your significant other isn’t too far off. Fake it till you make it. Plus, Egypt has a conservative culture. It’s not a bad place to pretend you’re married. That’s why you need to do ample research on a country you’re visiting ahead of your arrival.

  3. Pretend you’re talking on the phone when walking alone. If you’re walking down a street, always pretend you’re on the phone with someone. I would not recommend you walk down a dark alley at night. Matter of fact; be back at your hotel before dark.

  4. Connect with women only. This is also something I wish I had known for safety reasons. You need to realize that you can easily knock out a female counterpart, compared to a male. That’s a great safety precaution if you don’t want to be overpowered under any circumstance.

  5. Share your location with everyone back home. When I say everyone, I mean everyone. That’s why the iPhone is great; your loved ones can follow along your journey. I trust that at this point you would’ve outlined your itinerary and shared it with everyone so that they know what to expect on each day.

  6. Don't use unfamiliar applications. Use apps like Uber or Lyft. Download Google Maps Offline and follow along your journey. These are pivotal hacks when things accidentally go left. I recommend Uber over a taxi because you’re leaving a crumb trail.

  7. Let the U.S. embassy know that you are traveling to a foreign country. The Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) is a free service to allow U.S. citizens and nationals traveling and living abroad to enroll their trip with the nearest U.S. Embassy or Consulate. Friends, this is not a step you should consider missing when you are traveling alone. I am attaching a link here.

  8. Dress appropriately. I can’t stress this enough. This is all part of keeping safe. Dress accordingly to the culture and avoid unnecessary attention. Traveling to Cancun, Mexico is very different from traveling to Jerusalem, Israel. Research where you’re traveling to and figure out what’s acceptable. For example, in Egypt, you cannot wear booty shorts. You could end up in jail. We don’t want that.

Be vigilant, stay alert at all times, and trust your instinct. If it smells iffy, get out. 


  1. Smart Traveler App: This app was created by the U.S. Department of State for insights regarding a foreign destination regarding travel warnings and alerts.

  2. Safervpn App: This app turns into a VPN (Virtual Private Network), enabling users to connect to a remote server and direct traffic through a secure network, surfing the web with a bank-level encrypted connection. They also can change their IP address to match their preferred location. A VPN is necessary for digital nomads, and those working abroad, and SaferVPN makes it easy to stay safe while you stay connected.

  3. BSAFE App: Instead of sharing your location on social media in real-time, which isn’t very safe, opt for this location-sharing app. This version lets users set up a network of friends, family members, and coworkers to share your location, but takes their level of contact much further to help people travel safely. Its Follow Me feature operates by using the phone’s GPS to trace the steps of a person walking home so that their contacts can “follow” them in real-time. A Timer Mode can be set to trigger an alert if the user hasn’t checked in, and a Guardian Alert button can be pressed to notify loved ones if you’re in trouble. If you’re home, the “I’m here” option lets whom you want to know where you are.

  4. Trip Lingo App: This is a must-download for all travelers. This is great for voice translation, phrasebooks, and culture notes to help you communicate while you’re away. It has great other features such as a tip calculator and local emergency information available in different languages.


These countries have welcomed me as a woman solo traveler. It’s really important that whatever country you’re traveling to, they’re open to all ethnic groups and backgrounds. Part of the research you’re responsible for is getting fellow travelers’ feedback on the various cultures. To pull this list together, I took into consideration a few factors: safety, ethnicity, gender, and cultural biases within the country. Here is my top six in no particular order:

  1. Mexico. Mexico is a multi-faceted paradise. You could spend two or more months navigating through different cities and enjoying everything the culture has to offer. The tacos are never a miss, and the people are absolutely splendid. I 100% recommend.

  2. France. I’ve heard so many negative things about France but I haven’t personally experience that. I’ve enjoyed my time there as a woman and a solo traveler. The locals were great with giving directions. There’s so much to see and do. From the Eiffel Tower to the Musee De Louvre and Champs-Elysees. Plus, the cuisine is exquisite, oui oui.

  3. Jamaica. I’ve been to Jamaica twice; once alone and the second time with friends. When I visited solo, I met so many lovely people who showed me around Montego Bay. I had the best time of my life.

  4. Indonesia. South-east Asia is my second favorite continent. I’ve been there twice; once alone and the second time with a friend. Balinese people are very welcoming. The beaches and the culture are incredible. Indonesia is a place where the color of your skin doesn’t make a difference.

  5. England. You’ve got to love the Brits. England is a great country to visit as a solo traveler. Granted, the currency is extremely high but you’ll feel at peace there. Just bring enough pounds (British currency) and you should be good. There’s also a lot to see and do: London Eye, London Bridge, Buckingham Palace and more.

  6. Thailand. Thailand is my favorite country in the world. Pre-covid, the nightlife was insanely popping. I have no doubt you’ll get the most of your travel experience here. From the magical beaches to the historic temples and more, Thailand is a cultural feast. If you’re ready to find out how thoughtful God was when he created the earth, start with Thailand.

With Covid-19 restrictions and all, here are five countries currently open to all tourist, and you should consider as a solo destination: Turkey, Costa Rica, Egypt, Ecuador, and Seychelles.